Why do women want to have breast augmentation surgery?

In this operation, breast sizes are increased with the help of silicone implants. Women need this operation for various reasons;

1- In the treatment of decrease in breast volume after pregnancy,

2- In the treatment of volumetric difference between breasts,

3- In breast reconstruction after cancer surgery.


How is the operation done?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia in hospital conditions. Liquid silicone filled prostheses are used in breast augmentation operation. The prosthesis is most often performed through 4 cm incisions made around the nipple and under the breast. The silicone prosthesis is placed under the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle. There are prosthesis types such as round, drop-shaped, smooth surface or rough surface. The operation takes 1-2 hours and then it is enough to stay in the hospital for one day.


Which is the most preferred prosthesis?

The result of breast augmentation with silicone depends on the type of prosthesis used. Prosthetic technologies have also developed over time. Recently, the demand of our patients is the "Drop" shaped prosthesis.

There is a truth in the middle that the chest is not round. It rises towards the nipple with a slight inclination from above and turns towards the bottom of the breast by making a sharper arc after the nipple. Due to this need, anatomical prostheses have started to be produced. The use of anatomically shaped cohesive gel-containing prostheses, which give a more natural feel, has increased a lot.


In which area is the prosthesis placed?

It hides the submuscular prosthesis better but is more painful. It can cause the breast to move with arm movements. The upper muscle is more natural, but it may not cover the prosthesis well. A third plane is under the muscle membrane. The operation time is a little longer, it requires more careful surgery, but it has the advantages of both submuscular and superior regions. Apart from breast augmentation, what are other aesthetic operations that can be applied to the breast? Breast reduction and breast lift are also aesthetic operations that are highly preferred by women. Who are the most suitable candidates for breast reduction surgery? This operation is performed to increase the comfort of people rather than for aesthetic purposes. Many women experience serious difficulties in their physical activities because of their large breasts. Breast reduction surgery is generally not performed before the breasts have developed. However, this operation can also be applied to young girls with serious problems. How to plan the breast reduction operation? At the first examination of each patient, the breast size that will fit the body size is determined. The patient's chest measurement is taken and photographs are taken. The position of the nipple is evaluated and if it is down, how much to move up is determined. The patient is given detailed information about the operation and the patient is informed about the complications. In patients over 30 years of age, mammography is requested to enter the patient's file before undergoing this operation. According to this mammography, it is decided whether the material to be removed in the operation will go to pathology. It is preferred that the patient is close to the ideal weight for the operation. Thus, the amount of fat in the breast tissue is reduced. Being at an ideal weight facilitates the operation and reduces the possibility of complications. For this operation, precautions are taken regarding certain drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs used by the patient that will cause complications. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

What happens after the operation?

After surgery, the breasts are dressed with elastic bandages and gas. Small silicone tubes that prevent fluid accumulation under the skin are removed on the 1st or 2nd day. The first 2 days after the operation may be painful, but with strong painkillers, this pain is minimized. Bandages are removed on the 2nd or 3rd day and the surgical bra is continued for several weeks. Thanks to the new suture materials, the amount of stitches to be removed has decreased. Antibiotic creams are used for post-surgical skin dryness, but suture lines should be kept dry. Pain and swelling may occur in the breasts during the first menstruation after surgery. Temporary loss of sensation may occur for the first six weeks. The patient can stand up the day after the operation, but heavy work should be avoided for 2-3 weeks. Most patients can return to their social activities and work after 2 weeks. Tight bras should be preferred for activities such as sports for the first month. The breasts should be treated gently for 6 weeks. It is normal to have a slight crusting around the wound edges or to have pink colored fluid. In case of sudden pain, swelling, bruising, the doctor should be informed. What is the breast lift operation like? Breast sagging occurs over the years due to pregnancy, breastfeeding and the effects of gravity. The skin loses its elasticity, loses its shape and its distance from the forward decreases. However, the dark skin around the nipple expands. Breast lift operation is a smaller surgery than breast reduction operation. During the lifting process, the dark skin around the nipple is reduced in size. If the volume of the breast tissue is sufficient, it can be shaped and lifted. If there is both sagging and volume loss in the breast, it is necessary to increase the volume with a silicone prosthesis. Women can decide this difference by looking at the volume of their breasts in the bra. This operation does not stop the sagging of the breasts, it only restores them to their pre-sagging state. If the patient is considering becoming a mother at a later date, we recommend that she postpone the operation. It is an operation that takes 2-3 hours. It is enough to stay in the hospital for 1 day.